
Showing posts from May, 2023

All About Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is a short-term treatment typically consisting of weekly visits with a therapist. The process requires commitment and open dialogue. CBT is founded on the idea that thoughts, emotions and actions are interrelated and unhelpful thought patterns can be modified with therapy. Identifying Problems CBT is a goal-directed treatment, so your counselor will work to identify specific issues to be addressed. They may ask you to keep track of your thoughts and behaviors or use other tools to get an accurate picture of what's happening for you. Anxiety disorders may cause their heartbeats to beat faster when they feel anxious, which could make them think they're having a heart attack when there are good medical reasons why their hearts beat faster. Aaron Beck pioneered cognitive therapy during the 1960s as an alternative to psychoanalysis and other behavior therapies then available. He drew upon Albert Ellis, who pioneered an early form of cognitive-b...